The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, November 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.
The President, Tim Larkin, called the meeting to order.
ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners – LARKIN, ALLEY, BANTLE, and MOORE. Staff: Mark Long, Devan Jordan, Deanna Rabb, Josh Monroe with DOTD, and counsel for the Bossier Levee District, Calvin Combs.
The first order of business was the opening prayer by Commissioner Montgomery and the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Montgomery.
On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Alley, and unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes of the regular Board Meeting previously held on October 9, 2024.
Bossier Parish Police Jury, represented by Mr. Eric Hudson, Parish Engineer, was present to request the Bossier Levee District to participate in the Red Chute Bayou Stabilization project along Caplis Sligo Road estimated to cost around $671,749.00, which includes engineering costs.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Alley, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee the Board approved a 50/50 split cost sharing for the project not to exceed the authorized amount of $350,00.00. No comments from the public.
Cypress Baptist Church, being represented by Mr. Bobby Masters, updated their previous permit request to construct several encroachments which included drainage structures and a 5 foot wide and approximately 700 feet long sidewalk that would connect their recently completed field house to a new parking lot and a dumpster enclosure within the BLD Control Area on Flat River to Willow Chute Cutoff drainage channel.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Moore, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee the Board unanimously approved the above encroachments to be permitted on behalf of Cypress Baptist Church. No comments from the public. (PERMIT #2024 – 42)
Mr. Ryan Ferguson with Comstock Oil & Gas – Louisiana, LLC, requested to construct an access road upon the Bossier Levee District’s control area on the right descending bank of Flat River north of Poole Road.
On motion by Moore, seconded by Bantle, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee the Board unanimously authorized Comstock to construct and maintain all liability while the access road is under their maintenance and care. No comments from the public. (PERMIT #2024 – 64)
Mr. Jordan Payne requested the Board to review his revised concept drawing of a proposed development located in Bannockburn Subdivision, Lot #004B1 that depicts a proposed fence along the 2024 high bank line and a paved parking lot encroaching 70’ into the BLD’s Control Area on Lateral B-4, north of Crowing Lane.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Moore, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee the Board approved the proposed development for Mr. Payne contingent upon the fence being placed 30 feet off the high bank so that tractors and other BLD equipment could access the ditch when needed and the submittal of updated graphics which would correctly depict the encroachment of the control area and proposed construction. No comments from the public.
The Board reviewed the submitted Willow Chute Park plat received from the MPC for review, approval, and or authorization of a No Objection Letter from the Bossier Levee District.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Moore, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee the Board approved the Willow Chute Park Center plat and stated that a LONO would be issued administratively on on behalf of the BLD by the Operations Coordinator, Mark Long.
The Board discussed and took into consideration the two proposals that were submitted regarding the Bossier Levee District’s Insurance Renewal Period – Effective December 1, 2024.
Proposal #1 - To remain and make suggested carrier/new changes with current provider, Michael Guyton/Acrisure.
Proposal #2 - HPL Benefits and make suggested carrier/new changes with Mr. William Foster.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Moore, and with the President, Mr. Timothy Larkin abstaining from the voting, the Board on recommendation from the Applications Committee chose to remain with our current provider, Mr. Michael Guyton/Acrisure and make the suggested new policy and coverage changes to lower cost as much as possible for the BLD, while still achieving to provide the best current benefits to all BLD employees.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Bantle, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the Secretary to transfer $500,000.00 from Huddleston/Smith Investments to the BLD operating checking account at Bonvenu Bank for upcoming projects and future expenditures.
The Board discussed the request for an approval to purchase a new John Deere 6145 M tractor to replace another like tractor that was recently damaged in a rollover incident. The Insurance Company (UFG) notified the BLD that they are going to total out the 2019 tractor and not pay for the needed repairs at a replacement value estimated to be around $102,009.00, minus the amount to be deducted for keeping a sprayer system that was removed to be repaired in house.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Bantle, the Board authorized the BLD to purchase a new tractor to replace the totaled tractor, however, not for the purchase price to exceed $165,000.00, including an extended warranty.
Red Chute Bayou Channel Slope Repairs
- July 24, 2019 – Vicksburg Corps conducted a damage assessment of high-water damages on Red Chute Bayou; no determination as of November 11, 2019.
- December 9, 2019 – Donald Walker, Chief of Vicksburg Corps Emergency Management called and advised that the Vicksburg Corps would be providing funding for approximately 10 bank caving sites along the levee.
- December 10, 2019 – Captain Papia with the Vicksburg District made a site visit to assess the bank repair areas.
- March 30, 2020 – received letter dated March 24, 2020, from the colonel of the Vicksburg District Army Corps denying our request for PL 84-99 funding for bank caving repairs.
- Waiting for further direction from the Corps on repair requirements.
- July 8, 2021 – Lanny Barfield, with the USACE Vicksburg District, advised that the District recently requested approval from the MVD for funding approval to repair of the sites.
- May 10, 2022 – Received an email from Craig Prestwood, Senior Project Manager, with the USACE Vicksburg District advising that our request for bank stabilization repairs has been approved by the MVD and that they are getting ready to send in a funding request to MVD for design and data collection.
- July 21, 2022- BLD provided a right-of-entry to Patrick White with the Vicksburg District for surveying and site assessment needed for plan design for bank stabilization repairs.
- September 12, 2022 – Soil survey for bank stabilization design started.
- October 12, 2022 – Topo survey for bank stabilization design near completion.
- May 4, 2023 - PDT meeting conducted through WEBX; major topic was discussion of unexploded ordinances within project limits. It is anticipated that the project delivery date will be in the fall of this year.
- May 11, 2023 – submitted right-of-way authorization documents to Corps.
- January 9, 2024 – USACE awarded a contract for bank stabilization on (9) sites on Red Chute Bayou.
- May 2, 2024 – work delayed due to high water.
- Notice to proceed issued September 3, 2024.
- September 10, 2024 – Work began. Estimated completion date late-November weather permitting.
Red Chute Levee Raise Project
- Mitigation analysis for levee raise was conducted by Nixon Engineering and Dewberry Consultants.
- October 31, 2019 – Nixon Engineering delivered mitigation report.
- December 8, 2019 – Kurt Nixon and Jacob Lesue presented the board with mitigation study results.
- March 11, 2020 – Kurt Nixon submitted a revised mitigation study report with recommendations for a levee raise and mitigation.
Levee Inspection Compliance
- BLD has completed an inspection and report of deficiencies on the Red River Levee including items listed on the USACE 2019 and 2021 Levee Inspection Report.
- Work to remove encroaching items and the correction of deficiencies is ongoing.
Red River Levee Certification
- May 8, 2018 – sent letter to Corps requesting their services in providing new levee certification.
- February 7, 2020 – we received word from Craig McRaney with the Vicksburg Corps that the levee can be raised above elevation of Lock and Dam 5 Road; Mr. McRaney also advised that the levee district should submit a request for a 408 permit to raise the levee in the areas with insufficient freeboard.
- February 10, 2020 – a conference call was held with several members of the Vicksburg Corps; the purpose of the call was to seek guidance on how to expedite the permit for the levee raise and to request that the Corps provide assistance in obtaining the permit. Very little new information was obtained from the call; the Corps did say that they would research the Congressional Authorization for the levee to determine if any restrictions such as an additional congressional authorization would be needed to raise the levee.
- September 9, 2020 – hired Kurt Nixon to review options for levee certification.
- January 11, 2021 – held conference call with Vicksburg Corps and discussed 408 permit requirements for raising the areas with deficient free board on the Red River Levee north of Lock and Dam 5.
- March 3, 2021 – Kurt Nixon provided progress letter on status of the 408 permit.
- April 12, 2021 – conference call held with Katy Breaux and members of the Vicksburg Army Corps of Engineers to discuss a Risk Assessment to be used for levee certification.
- April 22, 2021 – conference call with Vicksburg Corps to discuss Risk Assessment; Katy Breaux advised that the Corps has obtained funding for the Hydraulic Analysis portion of a Risk Assessment
- June 8, 2021 – spoke with Katy Breaux, Project Manager with Vicksburg Corps and she advised that work on the Hydraulic Analysis portion of the Risk Assessment should be completed by the end of July 2021.
- On August 17, 2021, Raley and Associates completed work on cross sectioning and topo survey of a 6.0-mile segment of the levee from lock and Dam 5 road north.
- January 4, 2022 – received a status update on the CORPS H&H Analysis for the Red River Levee; the H&H Analysis is complete however they are waiting on new risk assessment classification guidance before issuing a report.
- March 28, 2022 – a meeting with the Vicksburg Corps and local officials was held; Will McRae with the Vicksburg Corps Levee Safety Center presented Corps recommendations for a path forward on levee accreditation and discussed an in-depth levee risk assessment to be cost shared with the Corps and local entities; estimated cost range between $250,000.00 and $750,000.00.
- July 6, 2022 – re-submitted letter of request to the Vicksburg Army Corps of Engineers for a Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment on the Red River Levee.
- December 13, 2022 – conference call with Will McCrae, Brandon Cummins, Lanny Barfield and other members of the Vicksburg Corps concerning the Semi-Quantitative Risk Assessment. Will McCrae advised that new guidance for evaluating a risk assessment would be coming out in February of 2023; he advised waiting for the new guidance before starting the risk assessment.
- March 8, 2023 – Vicksburg Corps met with board and provide updates and recommendations for an NFIP Risk Assessment.
- April 29, 2023 – mailed letter of request for an Accelerated Levee Evaluation (Risk Assessment) for NFIP Purposes to the Vicksburg USACE.
- June 6, 2023 – received cost share agreement and scope of work for the levee risk assessment.
- July 12, 2023 – cost share funding in the amount of $433,000.00 was mailed to USACE this date.
- September 13, 2023 – hired Kurt Nixon to provide a cost estimate to raise an approximate 6-mile segment of the Red River Levee for the purpose of applying for capital outlay funding from the State.
- October 13, 2023 - Kurt Nixon provided a cost for raising a 6-mile segment of the Red River Levee with an estimated cost of $10,376,768.00.
- December 12, 2023, through December 15, 2023 – Risk assessment team made field observations of the levee; also performed tabletop discussion on potential failure modes.
- July 8, 2024 - Risk assessment Ongoing
Red River Levee Ponding Area
- January 5, 2022 – requested surveyor to survey area near Red River Levee Station 147+00 to determine how best to drain an area of ponding water adjacent to the levee.
- April 1, 2022 - received survey information from Travis Sturdivant with Raley and Associates of ponding area and proposed drainage ditch.
Levee Surfacing
- August 14, 2024 – levee surfacing planned on Red River Levee from levee station 2095+00 near Elm Grove to station 2239+00 near McDade Road; approximate length 2.73 miles; estimated cost $250,000.00.
- September 9, 2024 – currently working to resolve utility levee crossing conflicts.
- October 9, 2024 – Received approval for levee surfacing work between levee station 2131+75 south of Elm Grove and levee station 2239+00 near McDade. Approximate length 2.03 miles estimated cost $230,000.00. Utility conflict delaying work on 0.7-mile segment of original planned work.
- November 4, 2024 – work scheduled to begin this week, weather conditions permitting.
Flat River Culvert Replacement
- October 9, 2024 – Requesting approval to hire contractor to replace 42-inch diameter by 80-foot CMP outfall culvert on Ninock Ditch to Flat River Cut-off Ditch.
Levee and Drainage Crews
- Inspecting various construction activities near levees and drainage channels.
- Removing downed trees from Red Chute Bayou.
- Mowing at various locations on levees and drainage channels.
- Herbicide application on drainage channels and levees.
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.
Equipment Purchases
- February 6, 2024 - Ordered 2024 Ford Expedition: estimated delivery time 3-4 months. Cost $52,891.00. Received vehicle on October 11, 2024.
- February 27, 2024 - Ordered two new John Deere FC15R Flex Wing 15-foot rotary cutters through State contract at $27,821.82 each. Took delivery on October 16, 2024.
- July 11, 2024 – Ordered two 16-yard dump trucks. Expected delivery is February 2025.
Surplus Equipment
- The following equipment is to be sold as surplus.
1) 2003 Case MX 110 with 5313 hours; Equipment # 205.
2) 2016 John Deere 6135E with 520 hours; Equipment # 380.
3) 2016 John Deere 6135E with 326 hours; Equipment # 381.
4) 2009 John Deere 7230 with 4975 hours; Equipment # 207.
5) 2009 John Deere 7230 with 4705 hours: Equipment # 208.
6) 2007 Ford F-450 with 103,566 miles; Equipment # 108.
7) 2000 John Deere Track Excavator with 4790 hours; Equipment # 203.
On motion by Moore, seconded by Bantle, and unanimously approved, the Board authorized the secretary on behalf of the Bossier Levee District to process all payments in the amount of $235,104.84, as set forth in the materials provided for the Board. The Board Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:50 a.m.
__________________________ _____________________________
Tim Larkin, President Deanna S. Rabb, Secretary