3404 Industrial Drive - Bossier City, LA 71112

The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.

The President, Tim Larkin, called the meeting to order.



The first order of business was opening prayer by Commissioner Webb and the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Larkin.

On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Allley, and unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes of the regular Board Meeting held on September 11, 2019.


Tim Larkin, President stated that Mike DeFalco and Ross Beasley, representing Broussard & Company – Certified Public Accountants would not be present until the November 13th Board Meeting to discuss the Bossier Levee District’s Annual Financial Report and Audit for the year ending June 30th, 2019, due to a scheduling conflict.

Robert Jeter from Southern Home Builders submitted a permit request to construct a 6’ high berm located on the rear lot line of the Estates at the Preserve, Unit No. 2, leaving a minimum of 50’ to enable the Bossier Levee District to provide routine maintenance.

On motion by Bantle, seconded by Montgomery, and unanimously passed on recommendation from the Applications Committee the permit request was approved noting that the berm would be elevated as stated in the plans, would include some plantings, and that the responsibility of maintenance would be borne to the homeowners association. No comments from the public.

Lex Plant Farm and Garden Center submitted a permit request to extend a 4 inch drain line to the rear of the property owned by Mr. John Meister, located at 151 Southwood Drive in Green Acres Place subdivision to redirect the draining of standing water away from his property.

On motion by Alley, seconded by Montgomery, and unanimously passed on recommendation from the Applications Committee the request for permit was approved stipulating that the standard Schedule 40 PVC pipe be used with a depth of at least 12 inches. The permit will be issued to Mr. Meister, therefore stating that he will be responsible for maintenance and any erosion damage. No comments from the public.

Randy Denmon owner of Denmon Engineering, representing the Bossier Parish Police Jury appeared before the Applications Committee requesting a permit to construct a road that will cross the unprotected side of the Red River Levee twice due to existing structures to facilitate the Arthur Ray Teague Parkway Extension 4.4 miles south.

On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Alley, and unanimously passed on recommendation from the Applications Committee the request for permit was approved contingent upon authorization by DOTD and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Due to a conflict, Commissioner Bantle abstained from the discussion and voting. No comments from the public.

Michael Guyton with Huckaby Insurance was present at the Finance and Insurance Committee Meeting prior to the Applications Committee Meeting and the Board Meeting where he discussed the Bossier Levee Board’s Employee Insurance renewal with Blue Cross Blue Shield effective on December 1, 2019.

On motion by Moore, seconded by Bantle, and unanimously passed on recommendation from the Finance and Insurance Committee they authorized the renewal with Blue Cross Blue Shield that included several changes of coverage to the plan and a .21% decrease in cost, that will be passed on to the BLD and its employees. The Board also authorized the Bossier Levee District to incorporate a voluntary employee paid BCBS Vision Plan to its employees, with the stipulation that they have at least five employees participate during open enrollment. No comments from the public.


Randy Denmon with Denmon Engineering and Mark Long Operations Coordinator for the BLD briefed the Board on the progress of the Red Chute Levee Widening Project and concluded that at the current time the contractors had completed about 50% of the embankment and approximately 35% of the contract had been earned to date. They also discussed as the winter weather season approaches the concern for erosion. The Committee and Board directed Mark Long to address with the contractor that they were abiding by the 2,500 foot limitation that is stated in the contract to prevent any erosion issues and that they had measures in place.

The Applications Committee and the Board reviewed and discussed the possibility of a closeout of the remaining items listed on the current existing contract including scope of work and budget with Dewberry, due to revisions made over time. The Applications Committee and the Board recommended Mr. Long to close out the contract at his discretion after the last pending deliverables. No action taken.

Kenneth Smith, P.E. with Smith Engineering Company, Inc. representing Total Properties had previously requested an encroachment on the District’s Control Area along the right descending bank of Lateral B – 4, for the proposed Quick Trip to be located at the corner of US 80 and Swan Lake Spur. Current resubmitted plans still reflected facilities planned in the “inner” 50 feet. DOTD advised the applicant that they would not recommend anything in that 50 feet. Applicant stated that they would re-submit plans and therefore, no action was taken at that time. No comments from the public.


The Bossier Levee District did not receive any proposed plats for approval from the MPC and other agencies therefore no discussion was needed.

Mark Long requested approval for a Red River Levee surfacing project at the end of Stinson Road. He reported that he was still working on access to the levee and he would acquire quotes to see if it would cost under $150,000.00, if over he stated that it would then have to be open for bid. No action required and no comments from the public.

On motion by Bantle, seconded by Webb, and unanimously passed the Board approved the transfer of $500,000.00 from Huddleston Smith to the checking account for upcoming expenditures including payroll and construction projects. No comments from the public.


Red Chute Levee Improvement Project

- January 9, 2019 at 9:30 am. – opened bids on Red Chute Bayou Levee Improvement Project; with low bid of $5,145,791.49 from Testament Construction Services, LLC.
- March 22, 2019 – contract signed with Testament Construction.
- July 23, 2019 – Started Time Charges.
- October 14, 2019 – Work approximately 35% complete.

Red Chute Levee Raise Project
- Mitigation analysis for levee raise is being conducted by Nixon Engineering and Dewberry Consultants.
- June 6, 2019 – Kurt Nixon gave a power point presentation on ongoing study for mitigating potential levee raise impacts; analysis to be expanded to include improvements for south Bossier drainage.

Red Chute Bayou Channel
- Recent high-water events have caused several slope failures on the bayou inside Barksdale AFB; work is needed to remove trees and stabilize slope failures near levee.
- July 24, 2019 – Vicksburg Corps conducted a damage assessment of high-water damages on Red Chute Bayou; no determination as of August 13, 2019.
- October 1, 2019 – Began work removing fallen trees from bayou on BAFB.

Red River Levee Certification

- Levee certification expires September 30, 2019.
- May 8, 2018 – sent letter to Corps requesting their services in providing new levee certification.

Red River Corps Study

- March 29, 2017 – Received schedule of activities for Corps Sediment Study and Hydraulic Analysis for the Red River; estimated time for Hydraulic Model to be finalized is July 2019 and the estimated time for the Sediment Model to be finalized is December 2019.
- August 28, 2019 – the Vicksburg Corps met with the Flood Technical Committee and briefed the Committee on the preliminary findings from the Study. The Study has produced a new 100-year flood profile which indicates that a portion of the levee north of Lock and Dam 5 has less than the minimum 3-foot free board; the new 100-year flood profile will also require new Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) be established. The Study is scheduled to be completed in March or April of 2020. Shona Gibson with FEMA Region 6 was also at the meeting and she said the Corps and FEMA will be working together to produce the new BFE’s; she also said that our levee system will not be re-certified due to the deficient levee height north of Lock and Dam 5. We have been in communication with the Corps to obtain a copy of the new 100-year flow line.
- September 18, 2019 – Received Red River 1% WSE Profile from Corps in an Excel file, the information provided was not compatible with existing levee profile information on file at BLD.
- September 18, 2019 - requested Vicksburg Corps to plot profile of new 100-year water surface elevation onto existing NLD Plan and Profile drawings of Red River Levee.

Flat River Erosion Repairs

- Nixon Engineering – working on survey and preliminary design for erosion control work north of Sligo Road.

Herndon Ditch

- October 10, 2018 – board approved a project to regrade 4400 LF of the ditch.
- October 18, 2018 - Newt Brown Contractor started work excavating and grading ditch.
- December 18, 2018 – channel excavation substantially complete; grading of spoil dirt to be completed when site dries.
- August 29, 2019 – Contractor resumed work regrading ditch and compacting slopes to correct embankment slides that occurred after initial ditch clean out.
-October 2, 2019 – contractor completed work regrading Herndon Ditch.

Red Chute Bayou Levee Culvert Rehab

- May 9, 2018 – approval given for contract to line remaining unlined CMP Culverts on Red Chute Bayou Levee in the amount of $138,317.52.

Bossier Levee District Facility Upgrades

- March 18, 2019 – M&M Builders started work on Bossier Levee District Facility Upgrades.
- October 14, 2019 – New Shop Building 99% complete; paving and incidental work 75% complete.

Levee and Drainage Crews

- Mowing levees and drainage channels.
- Spraying herbicide on drainage channels and levees.
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures; cleaning outfall pipes and flap gates.
- Removing fallen trees from Red Chute Bayou on BAFB.
- September 5, 2019 - Removed tree stump and backfilled stump hole beside Hwy 71 and Red River Levee near station 2430+00.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.


- March 14, 2019 submitted purchase order for a new F-450 Crew Cab 4X4 Work Truck for tractor crew. Truck scheduled to be built October 7, 2019; estimate delivery mid-October.

Surplus Equipment

- Requesting to declare the following as surplus equipment to be sold at auction:

1) 2003 Case MX 110 with 5313 hours; Equipment # 205.
2) 2016 John Deere 6135E with 459 hours; Equipment # 380.


On motion by Moore, seconded by Montgomery, and unanimously approved, the Board authorized the Secretary for the District to make payments in the amount of $934,432.66 as set forth in materials provided for the Board.

On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Moore, the October 16th , 2019 Bossier Levee District Board Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 a.m.



__________________________  _____________________________
Tim Larkin, President                   Deanna S. Rabb, Secretary       


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Address & Phone

Bossier Levee District
3404 Industrial Drive
Bossier City, LA 71112

P.O. Box 8279
Bossier City, LA 71113

p: (318) 746-7151
f: (318) 746-7206

After Hours/Emergency
Contact: (318) 455-3696

Bossier Levee District - 3404 Industrial Drive - Bossier City, LA 71112

P.O. Box 8279 - Bossier City, LA 71113

(318) 746-7151


Website managed by White Roof Interactive