The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.
The President, Tim Larkin, called the meeting to order.
The first order of business was opening prayer by Commissioner Webb and the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Larkin.
On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Bantle and unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes of the regular board meeting held on November 14, 2018.
On suggestion of the Chair to add an item to the agenda, Alley moved, and Montgomery seconded a motion to add the discussion and information regarding the repairs to the Red Chute Bayou Diversion Structure phase converters. The President asked if any member of the public wished to speak on whether to add the item to the agenda and there were no requests to speak. The following Commissioners voted yes (being all Commissioners present):
Larkin - Yes
Alley - Yes
Bantle - Yes
Montgomery - Yes
Webb - Yes
The Commissioners having voted unanimously to add the item to the agenda, it was added.
On suggestion of the Chair to add another item to the agenda, Bantle moved and Alley seconded a motion to add the review and discussion of Fairburn Subdivision, Unit No. 3 Plat for approval. The President asked if any member of the public wished to speak on whether to add the item to the agenda and there were no requests to speak. The following Commissioners voted yes (being all Commissioners present):
Larkin - Yes
Alley - Yes
Bantle - Yes
Montgomery - Yes
Webb - Yes
The Board reviewed a proposal submitted by Beast Engineering and Denmon Engineering for proposed construction engineering inspection services, and additional survey work for the Red Chute Levee Widening Project.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Montgomery and unanimously carried the Board approved the recommendation from the Applications Committee to approve the draft of the submitted proposal not to exceed the amount of $246,220.00 dollars, subject to further review by Mark Long, BLD Operations Manager and Tom Arceneaux, Legal Counsel and giving authorization for Mr. Larkin to sign the final document as President on behalf of the Bossier Levee Board. No comments from the public.
The Board reviewed the Minor Plat for Mark Allen Roberts located in Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 13 West near Wemple Road/Wemple Subdivision.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Montgomery and unanimously carried the Board approved the recommendation from the Applications Committee to issue a Letter of No Objection for the Minor Plat for Mark Allen Roberts dated December 12, 2018. No comments from the public.
Charlie Coyle of Coyle Engineering reviewed and discussed Fairburn Subdivision, Unit No. 2 Plat and Unit No. 3 Plat for approval before the Board.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Bantle and unanimously carried the Board approved the issuance of two Letters of No Objection for Units 2 and 3 of Fairburn Subdivision, subject to review by Mark Long and the BLD’s Legal Counsel, Tom Arceneaux, of the applications Committee’s requested revisions to the plats. No comments from the public.
Resolution to approve the Bossier Levee District to provide lunch during an employee recognition and safety meeting.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Bantle and unanimously carried the Board authorized the expense of providing lunch for the Bossier Levee Board staff while attending an employee recognition and safety meeting. No comments from the public.
Resolution to attain Mr. Thomas Arceneaux with Blanchard, Walker, O’Quinn, and Roberts as the Bossier Levee Districts Legal Counsel and renew his contract for the 2019 year.
On motion by Webb, seconded by Montgomery and unanimously carried the Board approved Mr. Tom Arceneaux as the Bossier Levee District’s Legal Counsel for 2019. No comments from the public.
On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Alley, and unanimously passed the Board authorized the transfer of $175,000.00 from Huddleston Smith to the checking account for expenditures and payroll. No comments from the public.
Resolution to repair and replace two phase converters on the Red Chute Bayou Diversion Structure and the associated technical assistance needed to accomplish the work, with an estimated cost between $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 dollars.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Alley and unanimously carried the Board authorized the expenditure for two phase converters not to exceed $15,000.00 dollars. No comments from the public.
Red Chute Levee Improvement Project
- November 28, 2018 – Began Advertisement for Bids for levee widening project; bid opening scheduled for January.
Red River Levee Certification
- Levee certification expires September 30, 2019.
- May 8, 2018 - sent letter to Corps requesting their services in providing new levee certification.
Red River Corps Study
- March 15, 2017 – Received email from Rich Brontoli advising that the Vicksburg Corps had received funding for the Sediment Survey and Hydraulic Model for the Red River.
- March 29, 2017 – Received schedule of activities for Corps Sediment Study and Hydraulic Analysis for the Red River; estimated time for Hydraulic Model to be finalized is July 2019 and the estimated time for the Sediment Model to be finalized is December 2019.
- Lidar Completed on March 31, 2018
- November 8, 2018 – Katy Breaux with Corps advised that the study should be completed by late spring of 2019.
Red River Levee Improvements
- June 6, 2017 - Hired Denmon Engineering to survey and develop a preliminary plan for gap closures at two locations where the Red River Levee alignment and UP Rail Road cross between Viking Drive and Shed Road. During the June 2015 flood event the water surface elevation was within approximately 1.9 feet of low points of the Rail Road crossings.
- September 13, 2017 – Denmon Engineering authorized to provide concept plan details for gap closure designs at two Union Pacific RR crossings at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00.
Bossier Drainage Maintenance Initiative
- July 7, 2018 - BLD Crew resumed tree and brush removal on the east side of Red Chute Bayou between Hwy 80 and I-20. Work delayed due to equipment break down and wet conditions.
2437 Brookside Drive – on Flat River
- April 24, 2018 – Received a request from John Cordaro who lives at 2437 Brookside Drive for engineer to inspect home and yard, repairs to yard, and possible purchase of home for damages he believes are associated with the Flat River Bank Stabilization Project Phase 5.
- May 15, 2018 – site inspection was made by Mark Long and Robert Tomasek, DOTD Engineer. No visible damage to house, no cracks in brick or slab visible. Back yard has some uneven settlement, but no major issues observed.
- July 3, 2018 - received proposed plan of work and estimated cost for repairs from Don Maddox in the amount of $7,332.00.
Flat River Erosion Repairs
- Nixon Engineering – working on survey and preliminary design for erosion control work north of Sligo Road.
Herndon Ditch
- October 10, 2018 – board approved a project to regrade 4400 LF of the ditch. Work began on October 15, 2018 with BLD crew clearing ditch; Newt Brown Contractor started excavating and grading ditch on October 18, 2018. As of December 10, 2018, work is 85% complete. Approximately 700 feet remaining to regrade.
December 10, 2018 – 3 large slides on ditch occurred after recent rain and high water.
Red Chute Bayou Levee Culvert Rehab
- May 9, 2018 –approval given for contract to line remaining unlined CMP Culverts on Red Chute Bayou Levee in the amount of $138,317.52.
Red Chute Levee High Water Event
- March 1 thru March 8, 2018 - Sandbagged low areas on Red Chute Levee with assistance from the City of Bossier, Bossier Parish, and Bossier Sherriff’s Department.
- April 27, 2018 – Returned Crawler Carriers rented for flood preparations.
- June 20, 2018 – board approved hiring contractor to remove sand bags.
- July 6, 2018 – received quotes for sand bag removal with a low quote of $21.90 / CY from Young’s Land Development LLC; estimated total of 1300 CY for a total estimated cost of $28,470.00.
Levee and Drainage Crews
- Mowing levees and channels
- Removing downed trees from levees and channels.
- Herbicide application on levees and channels.
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures; cleaning outfall pipes and flap gates.
- Repairing gates on levees.
- Cleaning debris buildup on bridges.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.
- Inspecting levee and channel contract work.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Secretary for the district be and she is hereby authorized to make the payments set forth above in the amount of $80,369.33.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Webb, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40
__________________________ _____________________________
Tim Larkin, President Deanna S. Rabb, Secretary