The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.
The President, James Rabb, called the meeting to order.
The first order of business was opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Lasseigne.
On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Branton unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 11, 2017.
Joey French, French Engineering representing McLemore Plantation requesting approval of a subdivision plat. The item was tabled until March when more information can be obtained. No comments from the public.
Mark Long, Operations Coordinator who summarized for the Board the permit request on behalf of A T & T, discussing its request to place 1.5” conduit along rear property line of Welham Trace. This item was tabled until March. No comments from the public.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Branton and unanimously passed the Board approved a resolution authorizing employees, commissioners and attorney to attend the Annual Association of Levee Board Workshop in Baton Rouge, La. on May 3-5.2017 and be reimbursed in accordance with the State Travel Regulations. No comments from the public.
On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Webb and unanimously passed the Board approved a resolution authorizing the Operations Coordinator to purchase (2) new ex-marks. No comments from the public.
The Board reviewed a letter from the Vicksburg Corps of Engineers concerning the upcoming 2017 inspection of the Bossier and Red River Levee system on March 29-31, 2017.
On motion by Lasseigne, seconded by Branton and unanimously passed the Board approved a resolution authorizing lunch be provided for levee employees, commissioners, DOTD employees and Corps employees during the inspection. No omments from the public.
The Board reviewed the 2017-2018 Proposed Budget that will be adopted at the March meeting. No comments from the public.
On motion by Webb, seconded by Alley and unanimously passed, the Board authorized President Rabb to sign the EEO statement for 2017. No comments from the public.
Commissioner Montgomery made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Alley to enter into Executive Session to discuss the lawsuit filed by the Lucky Trust against the district.
Voting in favor: Branton, Larkin, Rabb, Montgomery, Lasseigne, Alley and Webb
Absent: Sinclair and Bantle
Opposed: None
Commissioner Larkin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery to close the Executive Session:
Voting in Favor: Branton, Larkin, Rabb, Montgomery, Lasseigne, Alley and Webb
Absent: Sinclair and Bantle
Opposed: None
Red Chute Levee Improvement Project
- July 2, 2015 – submitted final plans to Corps and DOTD for review.
- August 6, 2015 – received letter from Statewide Flood Control for Fiscal Year 2016 Funding; $980,100 for FY 15/16; total to date $2,112,115; balance to complete State’s obligation $2,491,345.
- April 19, 2016 – Met with Vicksburg Corps and discussed 408 review; they advised that the information submitted by Dewberry was inadequate for their review.
- June 15, 2016 – Meeting scheduled with Vicksburg Corps to discuss 408 H&H submittal.
- July 21, 2016 – Met with Statewide Flood Control manager and discussed building the project in two phases; Phase 1 being from ground line up to current levee elevation and Phase 2 being from current levee elevation up to new levee design grade when approved by Corps. Billy Williamson, Statewide Flood Control manager, spoke favorable of the plan for 2 phases of construction; at this time, we have not received an official approval.
- July 29, 2016 – Approved contract for Dewberry for additional work required for Corps 408 permit H&H submittal in the amount of $71,210.00.
- October 11, 2016 – Submitted plans for Red Chute Levee Widening Project to the Vicksburg Corps for permit approval.
- November 7, 2016 – Received Letter dated July 21, 2016 advising of additional funding from Statewide Flood Control for Fiscal Year 2017 in the amount of $2,491,345 bring the project to be fully funded at $4,603,460.00.00.
- December 6, 2016 – Received call from Vicksburg Corps, Neal Lewis, Ray Wilson, and James Harper advising that the levee widening permit request requires an H&H study. Randy Denmon and Jacob Lesue are working on an estimate for the study.
- February 14, 2017 – Received call from Mike Miller with Vicksburg USACE Regulatory advising that we need to submit a new 404 permit request.
- Need approval to contract with Wetlands Unlimited LLC for additional 404 permit work.
Red Chute Levee Maintenance
-Received approval to advertise for bids for HDPE pipe liners for two locations between I-20 and State Levee; revised estimated material cost $105,000.00.
Bossier Drainage Maintenance Initiative
- BLD crew mulching trees and logs removed from Red Chute Bayou Channel Cleaning project.
Red River Levee Maintenance Repair Project
- October 5, 2016 – Opened bids for Red River Levee Maintenance Repair Project; with a low bid from 3 Gen Construction LLC of $397,626.00.
- November 16, 2016 – notice to proceed given.
- February 15, 2017 -Project is approximately 70% complete.
On motion by Webb, seconded by Alley and unanimously passed the Board authorized the Operations Coordinator to advertise for a levee surfacing project.
Red River Levee PL 84-99 Repairs
- August 18, 2015 – PL 84-99 Eligibility Determination site visit with Vicksburg USACE to inspect bank caving near Red River Levee station 1080+00 to 1087+00; also area near levee station 2385+00 stability berm is eroding.
- February 3, 2016 – Spoke with Barry Moore with the Vicksburg Corps and he advised that the PL 84-99 request has been approved and funds are available for the bank stability repairs at levee station 10+80 to 10+87. He anticipates that a notice to proceed will be given in June of this year and the estimated completion date is September 15, 2016.
- March 31, 2016 – Sent Authorization for Entry to Corps for PL 84-99 survey work.
- June 8, 2016 - Furnished construction RW document for repair work.
- July 12, 2016 – Verbal commitment from Corps for work to begin mid-September with Corps Hired Labor Crew.
- October 31, 2016 - Barry Moore with Vicksburg Corps advised that funding for PL 84-99 repairs is on hold.
Levee Surfacing
- February 15, 2017 – Requesting approval to advertise for bids for 7.0 miles of levee surfacing for the Red River Levee. Estimated cost $300,000.00.
- Request purchase of two 72” Cut X-Mark Mowers from State Contract; $14,199.00 each.
- With approval from equipment committee we plan to purchase one Polaris Ranger Crew Diesel UTV; estimated cost $14,602.00 / will require two additional written quotes. And purchase one Kubota RTV-X- 1140WL-A; cost $13,973.66 /State Contract Price. The purchase of two UTV’s was previously approved by board.
Levee and Drainage Crews
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures; cleaning outfall pipes and flap gates.
- Cleaning debris from bridges on Red Chute Bayou and Flat River.
- Mowing drainage easements and channels.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Branton and unanimously passed the Board authorized the Secretary to pay the bills for the month of January, 2017 in the amount of $124,264.96.
The President asked if there were comments from the public, there was none.
On motion by Lasseigne, seconded by Webb the meeting adjourned.
__________________________ _____________________________
James Rabb, President Mary Jane Easterly, Secretary