The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, February 10, 2016, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.
The President, James Rabb, called the meeting to order.
The first order of business was opening prayer and pledge of allegiance by Commissioner Sinclair.
On motion by Sinclair seconded by Webb, unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes and approved the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 13, 2016.
Mr. Rich Brontoli with the Red River Valley Association spoke about the National Waterway Budget and stated that more money was needed to complete projects in our area and also informed the Board about membership to the National Waterway Conference. No comments from the public.
Michan Holbrook, Engineer with Coyle Engineering , representing Bossier Real Estate Development requesting approval of encroachments for storm water detention ponds for Willow Heights Unit 1 and 2 , the ponds are proposed to be located in the outside 50’ of the levee board servitude and approval for the outfall pipe from the storm water detention pond located In Willow Height 1. No comments from the public
On motion by Larkin, seconded by Sinclair and unanimously passed the Board approved the permit, for the Unit 1 proposed pond and the outfall will have a flap gate to prevent water from flowing into Willow Chute Bayou. The permit is subject to approval of the plans by Butch Ford, Parish Engineer.
On suggestion of the Chair to add an item to the agenda, Sinclair moved and Larkin seconded a motion to add to the agenda Bossier Parish Consolidated Water System. Following a request for public comment on the addition, and there being none Sinclair moved and Larkin seconded a motion adding the item to the agenda with the plans.
The Board reviewed a letter from Denmon Engineering representing Bossier Parish Police Jury, Consolidated Waterworks/Sewage District No. 1 requesting a permit to directional bore Red Chute Bayou and its levee. The permit is in lieu of and revises the bore path of the original permit submitted on April 3, 2014 and approved in the June 11, 2104 meeting. No comments from the public.
On motion by Bantle, seconded by Webb and unanimously passed the Board approved the permit subject to the requirements of the DOTD and Corps of Engineers.
The Board reviewed the Proposed Budget for 2016-2017 to be adopted at the March meeting. No action was taken.
The Board reviewed a letter from the Legislative Auditors Office concerning the Annual Audit for the July 1, 2015- June 30, 2016. On action was taken.
On motion by Larkin, seconded by Montgomery and unanimously passed the Board approved a resolution to provide lunch for the Corps, DOTD, Commissioners and employees during the levee inspection May 3-5-, 2016.
On motion by Alley, seconded by Branton the Board approved a resolution authorizing the Operations Coordinator to advertise for HDPE pipe liners for tow locations between I-20 and State Levee.
Red Chute Levee Improvement Project
- July 2, 2015 – submitted final plans to Corps and DOTD for review.
- August 6, 2015 – received letter from Statewide Flood Control for Fiscal Year 2016 Funding; $980,100 for FY 15/16; total to date $2,112,115; balance to complete State’s obligation $2,491,345.
- November 10, 2015 – Dewberry submitted additional hydraulic study information for the Corps 408 review; no additional comments from 408 review at this time.
- December 7, 2015 – Conference call with Vicksburg Corps, Denmon, BLD, and Dewberry – Corps advised that additional information needed for 408 permit request; Dewberry is working on additional information needed.
- December 26, 2015 – Jacob Lesue with Dewberry submitted revised hydraulics information for the 408 permit review and was advised by the Corps that it would be a minimum of one month before they could look at the revised submittal.
Red Chute Levee Maintenance
- Requesting approval to advertise for bids for HDPE pipe liners for two locations between I-20 and State Levee; estimated material cost $200,000.
Bossier Drainage Maintenance Initiative
- BLD crews mulching debris removed from Red Chute Bayou.
Red Chute Bayou Levee Sluice Gate Repair
- Received quote of $20,455 to replace a sluice gate and refurbish sluice gate box located on Barksdale AFB. Sluice gate order delayed; Estimated deliver Jan 1, 2016.
Red River Levee
- August 18, 2015 – PL 84-99 Eligibility Determination site visit with Vicksburg USACE to inspect bank caving near Red River Levee station 1080+00 to 1087+00; also area near levee station 2385+00 stability berm is eroding.
- November 10, 2015 - No official confirmation of PL 84-99 approval at this time; we did receive verbal information that the site at 2385+00 would not be approved and the site at station 1080+00 to 1087+00 is still under consideration.
-February 3, 2016 – Spoke with Barry Moore with the Vicksburg Corps and he advised that the PL 84-99 request has been approved and funds are available for the bank stability repairs at levee station 10+80 to 10+87. He anticipates that a notice to proceed will be given in June of this year and the estimated completion date is September 15, 2016.
Levee and Drainage Crews
- Clearing on Ninock Ditch near Ninock Lake
- Mulching trees and logs removed from Red Chute Bayou.
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures; cleaning outfall pipes and flap gates.
- Trapping Beavers and Hogs.
- Breaking Beaver Dams.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.
- Request approval to purchase two new 110 HP Tractors thru state contract.
- Request approval to purchase one 3/4 Ton crew cab 4-wheel drive truck for spray crew thru
state contract.
- Request approval to purchase one full size 4-wheel drive SUV thru state contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Secretary for the district be and she is hereby authorized to make the payments set forth above in the amount of $ 64,382.25
On motion by Alley, seconded by Branton the meeting was adjourned.
__________________________ _____________________________
Mary Jane Easterly, Secretary James Rabb, President