3404 Industrial Drive - Bossier City, LA 71112

The Board of Commissioners of the Bossier Levee District met in regular session on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at the Levee Board Office, 3404 Industrial Drive, Bossier City, Louisiana.

The President, Tim Larkin, called the meeting to order.

ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners: ALLEY, LARKIN, MONTGOMERY, MOORE, AND STELLY. Staff: Mark Long, Deanna Rabb, Tom Arceneaux - staff attorney, Robert Tomasek and German Velazquez from the Department of Transportation and Development.


The first order of business was opening prayer by Commissioner Montgomery and the Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Larkin.

On motion by Alley, seconded by Montgomery, and unanimously passed, the Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes from the regular Board Meeting held on November 12, 2020 and approved them at the regular Board Meeting held on December 9, 2020.




Mark Long updated the Board regarding the Red Chute Widening Project. He communicated that he still anticipated that the contractor will run out of time under the contract in January or late December, and that the project will not be complete by then, giving rise to the imposition of liquidated damages. No action taken and no comments from the public.


The Board discussed a preliminary subdivision plat for the Retreat at the Preserve Unit No. 7, located in the Sunflower Plantation Subdivision near Lower Macks Bayou. They noted that on the plat of the lots, the rear of the lots were along the outside edge of the Control Area.

On motion by Alley, seconded by Stelly, and on recommendation from the Applications Committee, the Board approved the plat and authorization was given to the BLD for the issuance of a letter of no objection to the MPC noting that any outfall or drainage into Lower Mack’s Bayou may require a permit of other approval. No comments from the public.

On motion by Alley, seconded by Montgomery, the Board approved a resolution authorizing the Bossier Levee District to provide lunch during the December 2020 safety meeting. No comments from the public.

On motion by Alley, seconded by Montgomery, the Board approved a resolution to retain Mr. Tom Arceneaux with Blanchard, Walker, O’Quinn, & Roberts as the Bossier Levee District’s legal counsel and renew his contract for the 2021 year.

On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Alley, and unanimously passed the Board approved the transfer of $500,000.00 from Huddleston Smith to the Operations checking account for all the upcoming expenditures including payroll and construction projects. No comments from the public.


Red Chute Levee Improvement Project

- January 9, 2019 at 9:30 am. – opened bids on Red Chute Bayou Levee Improvement Project; with low bid of $5,145,791.49 from Testament Construction Services, LLC.
- March 22, 2019 – contract signed with Testament Construction.
- July 23, 2019 – Started Time Charges.
- January 6, 2020 – Work approximately 50% complete.
- November 10, 2020 – work approximately 60% complete.

Red Chute Levee Raise Project

- Mitigation analysis for levee raise is being conducted by Nixon Engineering and Dewberry Consultants.
- October 31, 2019 – Nixon Engineering delivered mitigation report.
- December 8, 2019 – Kurt Nixon and Jacob Lesue presented the board with mitigation study results.
- March 11, 2020 – Kurt Nixon submitted a revised mitigation study report with recommendations for a levee raise and mitigation.

Red Chute Bayou Channel

- Recent high-water events have caused several slope failures on the bayou inside Barksdale AFB; work is needed to remove trees and stabilize slope failures near levee.
- July 24, 2019 – Vicksburg Corps conducted a damage assessment of high-water damages on Red Chute Bayou; no determination as of November 11, 2019.
- December 9, 2019 – Donald Walker, Chief of Vicksburg Corps Emergency Management called and advised that the Vicksburg Corps would be providing funding for approximately 10 bank caving sites along the levee.
- December 10, 2019 – Captain Papia with the Vicksburg District made a site visit to assess the bank repair areas.
- March 30, 2020 – received letter dated March 24, 2020 from the colonel of the Vicksburg District Army Corps denying our request for PL 84-99 funding for bank caving repairs.
- Waiting for further direction from Corps on repair requirements.

Levee Inspection Compliance

- BLD has substantially completed an inspection and report of deficiencies on the Red River Levee including items listed on the USACE 2019 Levee Inspection Report. Our plan of action is to start removing all unwanted vegetation and other encroachments in areas where permission can be obtained from property owners.
- Work on north end of levee is underway removing encroaching trees and brush.
- August 12, 2020 – board approved work for sluice gate valve repairs on Red River Levee in the amount of $24,956.00. Repair work began on sluice gate on November 30th.

Red River Levee Certification

- May 8, 2018 – sent letter to Corps requesting their services in providing new levee certification.
- Levee certification expired September 30, 2019.

Red River Corps Study

- March 29, 2017 – Received schedule of activities for Corps Sediment Study and Hydraulic Analysis for the Red River; estimated time for Hydraulic Model to be finalized is July 2019 and the estimated time for the Sediment Model to be finalized is December 2019.
- August 28, 2019 – the Vicksburg Corps met with the Flood Technical Committee and briefed the Committee on the preliminary findings from the Study. The Study has produced a new 100-year flood profile which indicates that a portion of the levee north of Lock and Dam 5 has less than the minimum 3-foot free board; the new 100-year flood profile will also require new Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) be established. The Study is scheduled to be completed in March or April of 2020. Shona Gibson with FEMA Region 6 was also at the meeting and she said the Corps and FEMA will be working together to produce the new BFE’s; she also said that our levee system will not be re-certified due to the deficient levee height north of Lock and Dam 5.
- December 6, 2019 – we received the new 1% WSE river profile grades for the Red River Levee from the Vicksburg Corp.
- December 13, 2019 – we received plan and profile drawings with new 1% WSE river profile.
- February 7, 2020 – we received word from Craig McRaney with the Vicksburg Corps that the levee can be raised above elevation of Lock and Dam 5 Road; Mr. McRaney also advised that the levee district should submit a request for a 408 permit to raise the levee in the areas with insufficient freeboard.
- February 10, 2020 – a conference call was held with several members of the Vicksburg Corps; the purpose of the call was to seek guidance on how to expedite the permit for the levee raise and to request that the Corps provide assistance in obtaining the permit. Very little new information was obtained from the call; the Corps did say that they would research the Congressional Authorization for the levee to determine if any restrictions such as an additionally congressional authorization would be needed to raise the levee.
- August 6, 2020 – Corps held a WebEx meeting and discussed the summary report; they also provided copies of the report.
- September 9, 2020 – hired Kurt Nixon to review options for levee certification. Awaiting meeting with Vicksburg Corps to discuss 408 permit requirements.
- December 4, 2020 – Spoke with Tyler Coleman with Vicksburg Corps and he advised that a meeting was held by Katy Breaux and others to discuss the requirements for a 408 submittal; they will contact us to schedule a meeting as soon as they have the requirements for the 408 permit process are determined.

Flat River Erosion Repairs

- Nixon Engineering – working on survey and preliminary design for erosion control work north of Sligo Road.
- Drop pipe replacement planned pending design from DOTD; location approximately 2 miles upstream of Sligo Rd.

Red Chute Bayou Levee Culvert Rehab

- May 9, 2018 – approval given for contract to line remaining unlined CMP Culverts on Red Chute Bayou Levee in the amount of $138,317.52.
- August 12, 2020 – board approved replacing a double 48” x 193’ CMP with a new 10-gauge Poly coated CMP; with a low quote in the amount of $105,000.00 from F.J. Burnell, Inc.
- Pipe to be fabricated on or around December 14, 2020.

Bossier Levee District Facility Maintenance Repairs

- August 12, 2020 – board approved various facility repairs in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00.
- Work is scheduled to start around December 15.

Levee and Drainage Crews

- Clearing brush and tree encroachments on Red River Levee.
- Inspecting levees, channels, and drainage structures; cleaning outfall pipes and flap gates.
- Removing fallen trees from levees and channels.
- Mowing levees and drainage channels.
- Breaking up beaver dams.
- Repairing gates on levee.
- Servicing and repairing equipment.

Surplus Equipment

- The following equipment is scheduled to be sold as surplus.
1) 2003 Case MX 110 with 5313 hours; Equipment # 205.
2) 2016 John Deere 6135E with 520 hours; Equipment # 380.
3) 2016 John Deere 6135E with 326 hours; Equipment # 381.
4) 2009 John Deere 7230 with 4975 hours; Equipment # 207.
5) 2009 John Deere 7230 with 4705 hours: Equipment # 208.
6) 2007 Ford F-450 with 103,566 miles; Equipment # 108.
7) 2000 John Deere Track Excavator with 4790 hours; Equipment # 203.


On motion by Montgomery, seconded by Alley, and unanimously approved, the Board authorized the Secretary for the District to make payments for the month of December in the amount of $103.310.26 as set forth in the materials provided for the Board.

The December 9th, 2020 Bossier Levee District Board Meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m.



__________________________  _____________________________
Tim Larkin, President                   Deanna S. Rabb, Secretary       


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Address & Phone

Bossier Levee District
3404 Industrial Drive
Bossier City, LA 71112

P.O. Box 8279
Bossier City, LA 71113

p: (318) 746-7151
f: (318) 746-7206

After Hours/Emergency
Contact: (318) 455-3696

Bossier Levee District - 3404 Industrial Drive - Bossier City, LA 71112

P.O. Box 8279 - Bossier City, LA 71113

(318) 746-7151


Website managed by White Roof Interactive